CalPack: Packets in Python Simplified

CalPack is the only package you’ll need to create, generate and parse packets in an easy to use way. This module wraps the cytpes module into an easier to use interface and enabling more features specific to working with Packets.


Creating a new packet is as simple as creating a python class:

from calpack import models

class UDP(models.Packet):
    source_port = models.IntField()
    dest_port = models.IntField()
    length = models.IntField()
    checksum = models.IntField()

Since calpak is a wrapper to ctypes, the above class is equivalent to the following ctypes.Structure:

import ctypes

class UDP(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ('source_port', ctypes.c_uint64, 16),
        ('dest_port', ctypes.c_uint64, 16),
        ('length', ctypes.c_uint64, 16),
        ('checksum', ctypes.c_uint64, 16),

Interactiong with the packet and it’s field is also simple:

p = UDP()
p.source_port = 80
p.dest_port = 80
p.length = 8

Indices and tables