models - a collection of classes and functions to create new custom packets.

This module is the building blocks for creating packets by using builtin and custom fields. It also provides the ability for users to create custom fields for their packets.

Packet Basics

In this section we cover the basics of how to create a packet and manipulate it contents.

Creating a Packet

Creating a custom packet requires inheriting the Packet class and then defining the Fields within the order they are expected to be seen:

from calpack import models

class Header(models.Packet):
    source = models.IntField()
    dest = models.IntField()
    data1 = models.IntField()
    data2 = models.IntField()

Once a packet is defined, creating an instance of that packet allows you to manipulate it:

my_pkt = Header()

my_pkt.source = 123
my_pkt.dest = 456
my_pkt.data1 = 789


A packet can also be created with fields already populated:

my_pkt = Header(
    source = 1,
    dest = 2,
    data1 = 3,
    data2 = 4

print(my_pkt.source, my_pkt.dest, my_pkt.data1, my_pkt.data2)
(1, 2, 3, 4)

A packet can then be converted into a byte string:


In reverse, a packet can be created from a byte string array:

my_parsed_pkt = Header.from_bytes(b'{\x00\xc8\x01\x15\x03\x00\x00')


my_parsed_pkt == my_pkt

# Shows that the packets are two different objects
my_parsed_pkt is my_pkt

Packet fields can be easily copied from and/or compared to other packets of the same Packet subclass:

my_pkt2 = Header()
my_pkt2.source = my_pkt.source
my_pkt2.dest = 654

my_pkt.source == my_pkt2.source

my_pkt.dest == my_pkt2.dest

Packets themself can also be compared:

my_pkt = Header()
my_pkt.source = 123
my_pkt.dest = 456
my_pkt.data1 = 789

my_pkt2 = Header()
my_pkt2.source = 123
my_pkt2.dest = 456
my_pkt2.data1 = 123

my_pkt == my_pkt2

my_pkt2.data1 = 789
my_pkt == my_pkt2


Comparing two packets that are different classes but may have the same byte output will result in False

Advanced Packet Concepts

Creating simple packets with the basic Fields one thing but typically packets are more complex. For example, one might want to create a packet with an array of fields, or even encapsulating a packet within another as a field. This is easy to do within calpack through the use of the ArrayField or PacketField Fields.

Creating an Array of IntField‘s

When deal with a lot of fields that are the same it can become a bear to create each field:

class my_long_packet(models.Packet):
    data1 = models.IntField()
    data2 = models.IntField()
    data3 = models.IntField()
    data4 = models.IntField()
    data5 = models.IntField()
    data6 = models.IntField()
    data7 = models.IntField()
    data8 = models.IntField()

This can be simplified by using the models.ArrayField:

class ArrayPacket(models.Packet):
    data = models.ArrayField(models.IntField(), 8)

Accessing the elements in the ArrayField is similar to that of a python list:

my_array_pkt = ArrayPacket()[0] = 123
123 = list(range(8))
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

for val in
    val = 100

[100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100]

Encapsulating another Packet within a Packet

Sometimes you might want to encapsulate another packet within a packet as a field. This can be done by using the models.PacketField:

class Header(models.Packet):
    source = models.IntField()
    destination = models.IntField()

class CustomPacket(models.Packet):
    header = models.PacketField(Header)
    spare = models.IntField()
    body = models.ArrayField(models.IntField(), 28)

Access to the fields within the encapsulated packet is as simple as calling that packets members:

pkt = CustomPacket()
pkt.header.source = 1
pkt.header.destination = 2

Packet Fields

calpack comes with some built-in Field classes that can be used right away.


The IntField is used to represent an integer. In the backend, this field uses the ctypes.c_int64 or ctypes.c_uint64 depending on whether the field is configured as signed or not. This is done by passing the signed parameter to the IntField:

int_field = models.IntField(signed=True)


IntField is unsigned as a default.


If a signed value is set to an unsigned value (e.g any value less than 0) a TypeError will be raised.


although the example above defines a field outside of a Packet, this cannot be done in practice as each field within the packet must be a new instance of a Field.

If a specific bit length is desired, passing the bit_len parameter to the desired length:

int_field = models.IntField(bit_len=8)


the default value for bit_len is 16


If bit_len is less than or equal 0 or greater than 64 a ValueError will be raised.


although the example above defines a field outside of a Packet, this cannot be done in practice as each field within the packet must be a new instance of a Field.


The ArrayField is used to create an array of fields. When creating the ArrayField two parameters must be passed:

  1. An instance of the Field to be used
  2. The size of the Array


array_field = models.ArrayField(
    # Note that this is an **instance** of the IntField
    models.IntField(bit_len=8, signed=True)


It’s important to that the first argument is an instance of the Field and not the class


although the example above defines a field outside of a Packet, this cannot be done in practice as each field within the packet must be a new instance of a Field.

Interacting with the ArrayField is similar to that of a python list where len and individual member access can be done. The Field instance for the first parameter of the ArrayField can also be a PacketField:

class Point(models.Packet):
    x = models.IntField(bit_len=8)
    y = models.IntField(bit_len=8)

class ArrayPacket(models.Packet):
    points = models.ArrayField(

pkt = ArrayPacket()

for i, point in enumerate(pkt.points):
    point.x = i
    point.y = len(pkt.points) - 1

print([pkt.points[i].x, pkt.points[i].y for i in range(len(pkt.points))])
[(0, 8), (1, 7), (2, 6), (3, 5), (4, 4), (5, 3), (6, 2), (7, 1)]

Accessing the members of an ArrayField with a PacketField as the field type will be accessing instances of those packets:

class ArrayPacket(models.Packet):
    points = array_field

pkt = ArrayPacket()
pkt.points[0].x = 100

0  # default value of IntField


The PacketField is used to encapsulate another already defined packet. The encapsulation of packets can be done multiple times as well:

class Point(models.Packet):
    x = models.IntField(bit_len=8)
    y = models.IntField(bit_len=8)

class Rectangle(models.Packet):
    top_left = models.PacketField(Point)
    top_right = models.PacketField(Point)
    bot_left = models.PacketField(Point)
    bot_right = models.PacketField(Point)

class TwoRectangles(models.Packet):
    first_rect = models.PacketField(Rectangle)
    second_rect = models.PacketField(Rectangle)

Creating a Custom Field

Creating a custom Field is done by first subclassing the Field class from calpack.models. There are a few things to consider before creating a custom Field:

  1. There are specific properties that must be defined within the class
  2. Any methods defined must be a class method and cannot be used as an instance method
  3. You must have a basic understanding of the cyptes module specifically how to use the
    ctypes.Structure class.

It is recommended that you study the way that Structures are created if you are looking to create a custom Field.

With that said, defining a custom Field is actually quite simple. The following properties must be defined at either the class level or in a custom __init__:

  • c_type - a ctypes class to be used within the internal ctypes.Structure instance.
  • bit_len - the length of the field in bits

Within your custom Field you can customize the following functions which are further defined in subsequent sections:

  • create_field_c_tuple
  • py_to_c
  • c_to_py


This function is used to create the tuple that will go into the _fields_ property of the Packet’s internal ctypes.Structure. It’s also important to note that the first elements in the tuple must be the property self.field_name. CalPack will automatically populate this property for the Field class.

As a default, CalPack’s Field super class defines create_field_c_tuple as the following:

def create_field_c_tuple(self):
return (self.field_name, ctypes.c_int)

However this can be customized to suit the needs of the custom field. Since this will be directly used to create the ctypes.Structure._fields_ anything that is appropriate in creating the structure can be used here:

def create_field_c_tuple(self):
    # return a c_int with only 4 bits as a field tuple.  Note: this is similar to how
    # we set the bit length of the IntField class.
    return (self.field_name, ctypes.c_int, 4)

def create_field_c_tuple(self):
    # return a c_int Array as a field tuple.  Note: this is similar to how we set the
    # array size of the ArrayField class.
    return (self.field_name, ctypes.c_int * 10)


If the first element in the field tuple is not self.field_name then access to the internal c structure will be broken and the packets will not be accessible properly.


When setting a packet field to a value, that python object must be converted to a value that can be set for the internal ctypes.Structure object of the packet. Most occasions the value of the python object is already appropriate. By default this function does exactly that:

def py_to_c(self, val):
    return val

However in certain cases additional formatting, transformation or validation might be requried. Use this function to override the behavior as needed.


Similar to going from python objects to c, the reverse of going from c to python might need to be configured properly. Most occasions the value of the c object is already appropriate. By default this function does exactly that:

def c_to_py(self, c_field):
    return c_field

However in certain cases additional formatting, transformation or validation might be required. Use this function to override the behavior as needed.

Full Example of Creating a Custom Field

The following is a quick example of how to create a custom Field within CalPack:

from calpack import models
import ctypes

class UInt30(models.Field):
    c_type = ctypes.c_uint32
    bit_len = 30

    def __init__(self):
        super(UInt30, self).__init__()
        self.max_size = (2 << self.bit_len) - 1

    def create_field_c_tuple(self):
        return (self.field_name, self.c_type, self.bit_len)

    def py_to_c(self, val):
        if val < 0:
            raise ValueError("UInt30 must be a positive number!")

        if val > self.max_size:
            raise ValueError("UInt30 cannot be greater than {}".format(self.max_size))

        return val

Class/Function specific Docs

class models.Field(default_val=None)[source]

A Super class that all other fields inherit from. This class is NOT intended for direct use. Custom Fields MUST inherit from this class.

When creating a custom field you MUST define the c_type property with a valid ctypes data class.


c_to_py - A function used to convert the cytpes object into a python object. As a default this function simply returns c_field directly from the ctypes.Structure object. It’s up to the other Field‘s to define this if further formating is required in order to turn the cyptes value into something user friendly.

Parameters:c_field – a ctypes object from the packet’s internal ctypes.Structure object

create_field_c_tuple - A function used to create the required an field in the ctypes.Structure._fields_ tuple. This must return a tuple that is acceptable for one of the items in the _fields_ list of the cytpes.Structure.

The first value in the tuple MUST be self.field_name as this is used to access the internal c structure.


py_to_c - A function used to convert a python object into a valid ctypes assignable object. As a default this function simply returns val. It’s up to the other Field‘s to define this if further formating is reuqired in order to set the internal structure of the packet.

Parameters:val – the value the user is attempting to set the packet field to. This can be any python object.
class models.IntField(bit_len=16, signed=False, default_val=0, little_endian=False)[source]

An Integer field. This field can be configured to be signed or unsinged. It’s bit length can also be set, however the max bit length for this field is 64.

  • bit_len (int) – the length in bits of the integer. Max value of 64. (default 16)
  • signed (bool) – whether to treat the int as an signed integer or unsigned integer (default unsigned)
  • default_val (int) – the default value of the field (default 0)

ValueError – if the bit_len is less than or equal to 0 or greater than 64

class models.ArrayField(array_cls, array_size, default_val=None)[source]

A custom field for handling an array of fields

  • array_cls – a calpack.models.Field subclass object that represent the Field the array will be filled with.
  • array_size (int) – the length of the array.
class models.PacketField(packet_cls)[source]

A custom Field for handling another packet as a field.

Parameters:packet_cls – A calpack.models.Packet subclass that represents another packet
class models.Packet(c_pkt=None, **kwargs)[source]

A super class that custom packet classes MUST inherit from. This class is NOT intended to be used directly, but as a super class.


class Header(models.Packet):
    source = models.IntField()
    dest = models.IntField()
    data1 = models.IntField()
    data2 = models.IntField()
Parameters:c_pkt – (Optional) a ctypes.Structure object that will be used at the internal c structure. This MUST have the same _feilds_ as the Packet would normally have in order for it to work properly.

The byte size (assuming 8 bits to a byte) of the packet.


returns the internal c structure object being used

classmethod from_bytes(buf)[source]

Creates a Packet from a bytes string

Parameters:buf (bytes) – the bytes buffer that will be used to create the packet
Returns:an Instance of the Packet as parsed from the bytes string

The number of words in the packet


Converts the packet into a bytes string

Returns:the packet as a byte string
Return type:bytes
models.typed_property(name, expected_type, default_val=None)[source]

Simple function used to ensure a specific type for a property defined within a class. This can ONLY be used within a class definition as the self keyword is used.

  • name (str) – the name of the variable. This can be anything, but cannot be already in use.
  • expected_type (type) – the expected type. When setting this property at the class level, if the types do not match, a TypeError is raised.
  • default_val – (Optional) the default value for the property. If not set, then None is used. This MUST be of the same type as expected_type or a TypeError is raised.

the property


TypeError – if the default_val or property’s set value is not of type expected_type