Packet Basics

In this section we cover the basics of how to create a packet and manipulate it contents.

Creating a Packet

Creating a custom packet requires inheriting the Packet class and then defining the Fields within the order they are expected to be seen

>>> from calpack import models

>>> class UDP_Header(models.Packet):
...    source_port = models.IntField16()
...    dest_port = models.IntField16()
...    length = models.IntField16()
...    checksum = models.IntField16()


The order in which the fields are defined is also the order in which the fields are set within the internal c structure.

If you desired to have a default value for a particular field, simply use the default_val param for the Field

>>> class UDP_Header(models.Packet):
...     source_port = models.IntField16(default_val=8888)
...     dest_port = models.IntField16(default_val=8000)
...     length = models.IntField16()
...     checksum = models.IntField16()

Upon creation of the Packet instance, any fields that haven’t been set but have a default value will be automatically set to that default value.

Accessing and Manipulating the Fields

Once a packet is defined, creating an instance of that packet allows you to manipulate it.

>>> my_pkt = UDP_Header()

>>> my_pkt.source_port = 8080
>>> my_pkt.dest_port = 8080
>>> my_pkt.length = 0x2
>>> my_pkt.checksum = 0x0

>>> print(my_pkt.source_port)

An instance of a packet can also be created with fields already populated

>>> my_pkt = UDP_Header(
...     source_port=8080,
...     dest_port=8080,
...     length=0x2,
...     checksum=0x0
... )

>>> print(my_pkt.source_port, my_pkt.dest_port, my_pkt.length, my_pkt.checksum)
8080 8080 2 0


This is different than the default_val param. This value will overwrite that default value.

Packet fields can be easily copied from and/or compared to other packets of the same Packet subclass

>>> my_pkt2 = UDP_Header()
>>> my_pkt2.source_port = my_pkt.source_port
>>> my_pkt2.dest_port = 8888

>>> my_pkt.source_port == my_pkt2.source_port

>>> my_pkt.dest_port == my_pkt2.dest_port

Packets themselves can also be compared

>>> my_pkt = UDP_Header()
>>> my_pkt.source_port = 123
>>> my_pkt.dest_port = 456
>>> my_pkt.length = 789

>>> my_pkt2 = UDP_Header()
>>> my_pkt2.source_port = 123
>>> my_pkt2.dest_port = 456
>>> my_pkt2.length = 123

>>> my_pkt == my_pkt2

>>> my_pkt2.length = 789
>>> my_pkt == my_pkt2


Comparing two packets that are different classes but may have the same byte output will result in False

Packets and Byte Strings

A packet instance can then be converted into a byte string

>>> my_pkt.to_bytes()

In reverse, a packet can be created from a byte string array

>>> my_parsed_pkt = UDP_Header.from_bytes(b'\x90\x1f\x90\x1f\x02\x00\x00\x00')
>>> print(my_parsed_pkt.source_port)

>>> print(my_parsed_pkt.dest_port)

>>> my_parsed_pkt == my_pkt

>>> # Show that the packets are two different objects
>>> my_parsed_pkt is my_pkt

Packet Endianess

By default, Packets will parse and generate byte data based on the system endianess. If a specific endianess is desired, then PacketBigEndian or PacketLittleEndian can be used to force that endianess.

Defining a Packet for a particular Endianness is the same as defining a typical Packet, with the exception of using the desired Endian Packet. For example:

>>> class BigUDP_Header(models.PacketBigEndian):
...     source_port = models.IntField16()
...     dest_port = models.IntField16()
...     length = models.IntField16()
...     checksum = models.IntField16()

>>> class LittleUDP_Header(models.PacketLittleEndian):
...     source_port = models.IntField16()
...     dest_port = models.IntField16()
...     length = models.IntField16()
...     checksum = models.IntField16()

Using the from_bytes and to_bytes can be used as well. However, they are now tied to the specific endianess defined and NOT the system default.

>>> my_big_pkt = BigUDP_Header(
...     source_port = 8080,
...     dest_port = 8080,
...     length = 0x2,
...     checksum = 0x0
... )

>>> my_big_pkt.to_bytes()

>>> my_little_pkt = LittleUDP_Header.from_bytes(b'\x90\x1f\x90\x1f\x02\x00\x00\x00')
>>> my_little_pkt.source_port == 8080

>>> my_little_pkt.dest_port == 8080

>>> my_little_pkt.length

>>> my_little_pkt.to_bytes()